
new interfaces in the works

Here are some screenshots of a new blog page, and a new home page. Feel free to bitch slap my layouts to heathen hell :p oh and if you look closely, you'll see a cool new feature :)


Next up: XuQa 1.5

Back to the old style
The last few months, we tried to bring structure and processes in XuQa development cycles. XuQa got a lot more stable, but we lost our start-up steam. Few days ago, we decided to return to our old style of development. We packed our bags and moved into the office. We're experimenting with a new work time-table. We work 4 days (pretty much 24/7) and take the next 3 days off. It remains to be seen whether this is sustainable.

Today we uploaded XuQa 1.3: Basic tagging, Ajax, photonotes (will enable them in a bit), new browse pages, bug fixes, blog polling and a few other things. We had been trying to upload these changes since the last 3 weeks, but bugs kept poping up. I guess it took a continous 72 hour stretch to get the job done.

XuQa 1.5: [Next Saturday]: Advanced tagging, (maybe) tagged groups, solving the Unlisted issue, XuQa friend finder, a new front page (global as well as index), updated photo browse and detail pages, importing photostreams from external sources (like Flickr, Yahoo Photos), more Ajax stuff, and regular bug fixes.


Celisse : crowns and jewels for coining the term 'XuQalebrity'

In other news: watch out ppl, lots of awesome stuff, including tagging, groups (tagged groups), peanut poker, cell phone msging on the way



The first xuqalebrity Hall of Fame has now been created by Notorius and others here.

If you're not in here, you're not really a xuqalebrity sonny. Applications being accepted now. You need to be approved by a 2/3 majority vote of existing xuqalebrities, as set out in this blog here.

welcome back Thadd :)


You will be missed

Simona. Thadd. Paul Ryu. Ogden. Maxiim. Amber. Ashley. Matt.

This is a sad day for all of us. And it's all over the blogs. You guys were part of the site from the beginning. You were more than xuqalebrities. You were the first xuqa family. Just like if you were here building it with us.

You guys have your lives back :p but we hope that you will come back from time to time to spread the love to us and your thousands of doting crushes / kissers / ticklers and fans. Xuqa will always miss you, and will always be waiting.