Its 12:47 am. Prosper seems to have collapsted from utter exhaustion and lack of sleep. His last words before collapsing were 'no man we gotta upload'. The computer screen didn't change after that. I looked over and he was out.
Nomi has gone to drop the boys back home. Kamis out for dinner. Other than that, it seems its just us tonight. Right now with just the three of us, it seems just like the old iVentster days. Just the three of us. Busting our asses. Waiting for good things to happen.
I must say though, we have some pretty hard-core, im gonna **ck this shit type of people working with us. Feels nice to know that someones got your back. will be released soon. Its meant to be huQa for the grown and sexy (as Prosper likes to call it). We're roaring all engines on this one. Gotta take the 800 pound guerilla down. And gotta do it fast.
So we've said no to college. We're here working 16 hours a day (heck there should be labor laws for us too!). And all this hangs in the fate of things that we dont really understand / cant predict. After everything, its pretty much like a game of poker. You get your cards and from then on, play the best you can, and hope that your combo wins you the day.
Might wanna change the "spin the bottle" text, when inviting friends from an all-male or all-female HS :)
Can't wait for Xuga, you'll definitely be getting a review on my blog.
ha, thanks for stealing my comment Noah, considering I snuck you into my HS lol. Great work on the site guys, I expected nothing less. As for taking down the 800 pound gorilla, i'm behind you guys 100 percent.
hey guys! thanks for the encourgement... this site kinda falls apart for single sex skools unless youre gay... hmmm. gotta work on that.
Yeah. I'm all about stealing thunder. =P But yeah, I totally used Google to look up the information for Jason's old highschool and registered to prove a point... but then I deactivated my accnt.
I would totally use the college version however. I do have one question... what is the difference between huqa and huqas... is huqas for pot smoking people in the joint? I noticed you get less peanuts and some things are named differently... "crushlist incest", "the joint".
before we launched huqa, we tested it in the Pakistani market. Since then we've shifted the Pakistani users to
We're def going to be making the registration process better. We kinda launched in a hurry. :)
I'm assuming this is in direct competition to TFB's "highschool" attempt, which by all accounts I have heard, has failed miserably.
If you can get xuqa up soon, I'm sure it will take off. I know I'll be inviting all my FB friends, and the added benefit of having a blog will be awesome.
(TFB doesnt have one, and Myspace is riddled with ads and likes to error a lot.)
I'll be crossing my fingers for some kind of XML/RSS importer for blogs on xuqa. I would love to have my blogspot blog be able to show up there via the ATOM XML feed.
Can't wait for the launch :)
we will be adding blogs but not in this launch. We will launch and then hopefully in 2 weeks or so, you should see fully integrated blog functionality. :D
And don't forget about the "send a note" feature :)
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