
XuQa ppl we need your input

XuQa folks: these guys want to partner with us with the following product. Would you all want some thing like this? Thoughts / comments / feedback?

Ever leave home with an away message up on AIM and wish you could check your messages from wherever you happen to be? Of course you have! For years, people have wished for a way to see the IMs they've been received since leaving home without actually being home. Now, a company called IMCourier, founded by a pair of college students, has something that'll let you do just that. It's totally free to use, and you don't get bombarded with ridiculous pop-up ads or spyware programs. To get started, you sign up for a login account at IMCourier.com. Then, you download a small program that runs in the background on your home PC. The software links with your login account at IMCourier.com. That's it. Now, whether you're at a friend's PC, a library computer, a T-Mobile Sidekick, or pretty much anything with a web browser, you can log in and see all the IMs you've got since leaving home. You can even respond to the IMs right from your personal panel. IMCourier works with AOL Instant Messenger and ICQ.We want to bring IMCourier to your XuQa profiles. Chances are, you check your XuQa profile from all kinds of places other than your own PC at home or the dorm. Adding an IMCourier login panel to your XuQa page will let you check your IMs in the same fluid motion without having to visit different websites. What do you think?


At 2:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmmmmm. dont know...

At 9:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OR, people can log in to MEEBO.com (im not affiliated) and sign into any IM system and chat over the internet without any software download...not just look at their messages. I think they are using you guys to reach a mass audience.

At 9:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meebo doesn't really offer the functionality described in that blurb, though. From the sound of things, this is a way to tap a few keys and quickly see if you have any IMs waiting back home, not launch into full-fledged back and forth conversation over the web. I think it's pretty neat, I'd use it.

At 11:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the idea. Having two features I use regularly in the same spot would make things easier. I stumbled upon Im Courier one night, and have been using it since then.

At 12:54 PM, Blogger Murtaza said...

lols. Can we have non-anons plz?

At 1:02 AM, Blogger Jack said...

I wouldn't want to have to log into Xuqa... and then ALSO into this other thing. It would have to be directly tied into Xuqa. I log into Xuqa, Im automatically logged into the other service.

The only problem I have w/ Xuqa currently, is my phone doesnt support cookies, and xuqa won't let me log in without having cookies turned on. So I can never check xuqa on my phone :/

At 12:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I'm sure an option could exist where you could log into XuQa and your IMCourier account at the same time. ie, you log in to XuQa and are notified of IMs waiting for you.

At 10:51 PM, Blogger Murtaza said...

hey noah: any way around the cookie problem?

At 6:00 PM, Blogger Jack said...

It seems to be something in your code itself. I've found out my phone does support cookies, in a limited sense. And I can browse around other websites that use cookies to log you in, but Xuqa has a message that says "You must enable Cookies to log into Xuqa", so whatever that code is seems to be the issue.

PS. Just posted an anti-facebook blog on my blogger if you wanna check it out later. :)

At 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well i say go for it. what harm could come from it... i dont think its a bad idea at all! well gl

At 7:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would question how useful this would be to those of use who use alternate AIM clients (AIM Express, Trillian, GAIM, etc)

At 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think it would be pretty sweet

At 1:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just noticed something. Your list of university campuses seems to be a bit non-standard. e.g:

1) There is no entry for Oklahoma State University, Stillwater (which is the main campus by the way)

2) There is no entry for University of Texas at Dallas (which is a very important campus of the UT system as it was the first to introduce a MS in Telecom degree in the US)

3) I couldnt see a University of Houston University Campus in the ALL SCHOOLS list either.. this campus is also known as Univeristy of Houston Main Campus.

reply me on neutron12a@excite.com

At 10:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My cell phone already allows me to get on aim. You would need to add an option in each account that would ask if they wanted to use the service. Since i can already check my aim stuff wherever i am it would be pointless for me. Also not using the service i wouldn't want the company to have my info since they don't need it.

At 10:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Charlotte
Anon @ 10:12am said about the company having our info. Would this happen automatically? I live in England and I have no idea what the AIM service is (Im guessing its an instant messaging service) so this new service would be useless to me. Is there an option to choose whether you want to be part of it or not?
(sorry to send anonymously, I dont have time to sign up for a blogger account)

At 1:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could someone send me an invite to XuQa? I've been trying to get one for a while.

I'll give you every peanut I can.



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