XuQa Podcast - Paul Ryu numa numa dance
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Firefox: Save Link As
Choose a destination. Download should work fine.
omg this is gonna be awesome. im saving it in my itunes right now!!
Man.. I sound country as hell...
But I hope everyone enjoy's the show.. and laughs as hard at me as I did at myself..
My of my frends had a problem inn XuQa she accidentally clicked on BE A FAN amd became somebodys fan. she want's to remove this but she can't! there's no way to undo it! you can't even un-fan when you have removed that person from your friends.
I suggest a small "remove" button in the fans section like the one you see on all your friends in the "My Friends" section.
I'm not sure if this is the place to post recommendations for further development of XuQa but I didn't find anywhere else.
kaihani - thanks. suggestion noted, and it will be done soon :)
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