
Podcast2 - Celisse, Erica and Peanut Poker

Right-click on the title and save the file for better, uninterrupted playback. If you like it, or want to be on the podcast next week, holler at your xuqa podcast host here :)


Meeting up

XuQa founders are running around the country to meet XuQa users. We really want to meet you all and put faces on the names we hear ever so often (our awesome xuqalebs!). If you're interested in meeting us too, drop an email to feedback@xuqa.com with your address and cell phone number and we will definately try to drop by =)


peanut poker a week away from release

We think Poker is taking the college world by storm. Or already has. So we went ahead and built peanut poker that you play with your peanuts, xuqa-style.

Click on the link above to try it out. You have to be logged into Xuqa. The poker is still in beta testing, but it works reasonably well.

Oh and did I add, lots of lovely ladies are doing poker too :) so what's stopping you?