Ranking for people based on profile views
The concept: Everyone has profiles on multiple sites. Some people are more popular than others. Want to see how you rank up against your friends in terms of popularity on different sites (profile views). This app will aggregate your profile views from multiple sites (xuqa, myspace, xanga, blogger) and will combine them into one uniform number. Simply punch in your friends email to see who wins the popularity contest. Oh and every profile view will also get you a peanut! Your thoughts and comments are veyr welcome (we're still in the brainstorming stage).
note: Graphs are from alexa (very useful site for website owners)
The only problem with every Visit getting you a peanut...is that there are universal users that will abuse this.
It is not easy to program a bot that simply visits a page over and over ad infinitum. And even if you set it up so that it would screen out multiple visits from the same IP, there are again bots that can emulate IPs, or users using dynamic IP addresses. Either way, not a good deal. And the programmers of these products would be more then happy to sell their products to other users or give them out for free, or scam users by telling them they have the program, and then ditching with their peanuts. or worse, they could send the user a program that inadvertanly sends the programmer the User's Name and password. Either way, this becomes another bad story for xuqa.
I've only seen all of this Lapse in the MMORPG realm. But it could happen anywhere ont he web, to be honet. Even ebay has these kinds of scams runnign around its outskirts.
Scrath a couple words in my post. Speciafically, the "not" int eh first line of the second paragraph.
I was thinking "not hard" and "pretty easy" at the same time. Oops...
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