
Shouting out to all Iranian Xuqans

I'm going to have an important meeting in Iran with all the Iranian Xuqans in the near future. All of your questions will be completely answered and all of your problems will be fully discussed and tried to be solved. It will be more like a training course. So if you're a Xuqan in Iran, you're kindly invited to join this friendly meeting! I will be very happy to hear all of your comments about Xuqa and everything related to it. ( I = Alex Anderson )
You will be informed of the exact date and location of the meeting soon. Everyone interested in this case, please inform me in Xuqa. I will be very delighted to hear from all of you Xuqans.

Stay Tuned!


At 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to know Xuqa's official stance on dealing with Iranian schools and if there's any need to worry about limits on free speech in light of President Ahmadinejad's reign and his recent comments regarding Israel and the United States. I believe that there are many good ppl in Iran, but I want Xuqa to be careful so as not to put those that are favorable to Western Culture in danger from the Government. Perhaps 1 day we can use Xuqa as a means to help start an underground movement to bring about freedom.

At 3:49 PM, Blogger Ali :p said...

Xuqa is committed to free speech. We will not censor speech on political or other grounds.

As far as using Xuqa to do something political, we are and will remain neutral to any agendas of our users. You are welcome to use Xuqa to organize activities, promote human rights and greater political freedom. But we cannot allow hatred, racism or other negative behaviour.

At 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's very nice to say that Xuqa is committed to free speech in Iran, but keep in mind that this is the same country that has begun to ban western words like "Pizza" in favor of "Elastic Loaf". The students of Iran are the last great hope that the West has in making a change for the future in that country. We in America know that the majority of Iranians do not want to see Israel wiped off the map like your President has said time and time again; we know that you are all tired of the post-Revolution Rule. I hope that you as students will be able to rise up and demand for change in your nation. It may be what we as a world need in order to keep the madman that is your President from unleashing his fury on the world.

At 10:45 PM, Blogger Alex Anderson said...

You might be right, but as far as I know nobody has banned the word " Pizza " in Iran!

At 10:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am just anxious to hear from actual Iranians on Xuqa about how they feel about their President. Here in the USA, a lot of ppl feel as though Ahmadinejad is a Modern-Day Hitler and is trying to make Iran of the 2000s into Germany of the 1930s. Fortunately because we have history on our side, it should be the moral duty of Xuqa to use its freedom of speech to try and give those that want change, a voice. Your nation is being run by madmen, and unless you as students stand up and say No to your country's nuclear program, then I worry deeply for the world in the future. Please Iranian members of Xuqa, you do not have to live with your government and the leaders that clearly do not represent your views.

At 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alex, read this:


It should be Xuqa's duty to stand up and show the world that there are Iranians that are against Ahmadinejad and DO NOT want to see Iran become Nuclear.

Nobody here wants to see Zionism wiped away, and nobody wants to see Ahmadinejad become more powerful then he already is.

Ali, Alex; how can we use Xuqa as an underground means to promote change within Iran?

At 12:33 PM, Blogger Ali :p said...


This is probably already being read by the Iranian govt, and the CIA. Based on past experiences we have had at Xuqa, I am certain that this is true.

I've said this before and I'll say it again - Xuqa is a community. Our job is to bring people together, and give them means to communicate and interact where such means may not otherwise exist. We cannot take sides either way. What people do on Xuqa is up to them.

Having said that, bringing people together in forums and opening lines of contact, such as this, has never hurt anyone and usually ends up being the first step in a change for good.

We're focusing on keeping the lines open as a first step. And for that we must remain neutral in any conflict.

At 10:48 PM, Blogger Alex Anderson said...

As my friend Ali mentioned, XuQa remains neutral in any conflict. Please this is not the place to talk about such things.

At 12:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if its possible i want s to make a match maker for iranian in xuqa
tell me

At 2:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what percentage of xuqa members are iranian?

At 2:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just read other comments on this post. i want to notice please do not judge about the enviroment and condition of life in iran when u live somewhere else as i dont judge about an us life. we live much different than what u think.

At 1:19 PM, Blogger فرزان said...

We're waiting for U , Come on>:D<

At 1:20 PM, Blogger فرزان said...

We're waitin' for ya

At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello Xuqa!
thanks for site,its best site for game but in iran peanut give is filterd.please fixd this :((

At 3:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

eagerly waitin for you in iran .hope see u soon

Matsushita electric industrial Co.
Iran office North West Marketing manager

At 11:47 PM, Blogger Alex Anderson said...

Mr Amir Ghaffari,
I tried to make contact with you but unfortunately I failed.
Please inform me of your exact contact information so we can arrange a meeting with each other.


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